There are lots of stressors on children in these modern times. They may endure feelings of low self-worth, anxiety as well as hormonal difficulties. However, for some children, psychological problems can become a great deal more problematic and extreme. According to research, ten percent of our children below the age of 16 deal with mental health issues (1). However, the fact it happens to lots of children doesn’t make it any easier for those that endure it.
Hypnotherapeutic specialist interventions could help your child tackle their mental health long term.
Below is hypnotherapeutic treatments that could help your child.
Depressive disorders
Should your child have feelings of depression, naturally the GP is the first port of call to ensure there aren’t any medical problems. Having done that, hypnotherapy could help in a considerable number of ways that could begin to lift the feelings of melancholy that the child is experiencing. Depression may affect a child’s mind and body in many different ways.
Relieving the problems in the teenager’s conscious and subconscious is essential when treating depression with hypnotherapy. They will be able to change their thought patterns and learn how to reduce the negative thoughts related to depression. They will gain the tools to encourage their positive views and emotions.
Anxious teens seem to be more and more prevalent today. In some instances, it is a sensation of being overwhelmed, social problems or very particular circumstances like examinations or assessments but all of them may affect the child’s ability to live life to the full.
By using of hypnotherapy, the youngster can learn how to relax effectively and contend with the anxiety more appropriately. They will also learn how to get inside the deep, subconscious parts of their mind that holds onto the past issues that have caused them to have symptoms of anxiety in the first place.
Difficulties with self-esteem
Most children have challenges and failures, and these are just a component of life. But some children find it difficult to tackle them in the right way, and that may affect them in the years ahead. A child being nervous and shy isn’t the same as a child being withdrawn due to exceptionally low self-esteem and self-belief.
Does a negative self-image affect your child? Is your teenager withdrawn, introspective and finding it tough to socialise? If the answer is yes, chances are they could benefit from some hypnotherapy consultations to help them through it. The hypnotherapy will firstly assist them to consider how they feel about themselves. They should then be able to deal with those factors and learn how to turn those negative internal thoughts into positive ones.
In this article, we have only scratched the surface of the number of problems where hypnosis may help. Other problems could be; blushing, social phobia, eating problems, interview anxiety, bed habits and addictions to name just a few.
Children respond very well to hypnotherapeutic solutions as they have reactive and imaginative minds, and they are very responsive to new suggestions. If your child is suffering from any of these problems and you would like to help them, it might be worth considering hypnotherapy.
Paul White from The Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy based in Surrey explained why in his view hypnotherapeutic treatments are extremely successful at helping children and young adults make long lasting changes.
Often children, teenagers and adults do not have a proper understanding of, how our minds work, how our thoughts can affect us physically and how to resolve problems. Step by step we explain and demonstrate how changing the way we think can change the way we feel.
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