Overcome Toilet Anxiety with Expert Hypnotherapy in Surrey

Having anxiety about needing the toilet is surprisingly common. We probably see 2 or 3 new cases a week.

Common Triggers of Toilet Anxiety and How Hypnotherapy Can Help

Although every case is different, they all share similar characteristics. The typical triggers generally involve believing they will need to use the toilet but for some reason, it will be difficult.

Generally, the reasons will be quite specific and often very narrow. for example, anxiety when travelling i.e. it might be whilst driving and encountering a traffic jam or it could be whilst out shopping and being unable to find a public toilet.

They will often try to use the toilet frequently before going out, sometimes 5 or 6 times. They will often avoid eating or drinking before going out as well.

toilet anxiety

Understanding the Root Causes of Toilet Anxiety

This anxiety can be caused at any stage in life however it is mostly generated as a child. It could be if you soiled yourself in public or just thought you might. It can even be set up by a parent making you use the toilet before leaving the house. If a situation is perceived as “dangerous” i.e. what happens if I need the toilet and don’t make it… It is this perception and prediction that will generate feelings of anxiety around the subject.

Now, although it might start with a silly thought or incident. The beliefs and perceptions can grow and increase as time passes, and what was “just a silly thought” becomes a deep-seated belief that you will have an accident in public. This creates a strong sense of danger. i.e. danger of embarrassment.

It does not have to start as a child often it might be an incident that takes place as an adult that plants the seed and the beliefs grow in the same way.

It can of course be a learnt behaviour. i.e. one learnt from another person close to you normally a parental figure but it can be a sibling or even a friend.

What is toilet anxiety?

This type of agoraphobia behaviour can be very debilitating indeed for the sufferer. They may not go out socially to things like restaurants or the movies, even though they know that there are toilets there. They may not travel on public transport, even trains or coaches with toilets on board.

The anxiety is heightened when there is only one toilet. As they will worry that someone will be using it when they need to use it. So they may get very anxious at a party for example if a queue for the toilet develops.

They may become very anxious in these sorts of situations. Sometimes they can have a panic attack at a party or social situation and have to return home where they feel safe.

Is this your journey to work?

This anxiety needs no evidence

Even though the sufferer may have never had the experience where they have wet or soiled themselves in public, and have no evidence that it will indeed ever happen. The lack of evidence will do nothing to lessen the fear.

They may, for example, need the toilet and have to hold it for an hour or more. This for most people would be evidence that they are capable of holding it for a reasonable amount of time to facilitate getting to a toilet. However, for the sufferer, this simple piece of evidence will be completely ignored as that does not fit in with their current beliefs.

toilet anxiety

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers often suffer from toilet anxiety and it will quite often exacerbate the IBS by raising stress levels, which of course feeds their anxiety.

How Hypnotherapy Effectively Treats Toilet Anxiety

This anxiety can only exist if the client has the belief that they will not make it to the toilet. For most people, this fear is tempered by the belief that they can hold it until they reach a toilet. Essentially it is a confidence issue, the confidence in their body to deal with the situation when it arises.

When this issue is treated with medication, CBT, psychotherapy, counselling and general hypnotherapy techniques, we believe, that it actually makes it worse. Now the people that try to help are definitely doing their best to solve the problem, but it’s my belief that for this particular anxiety, the usual therapeutic interventions often make it worse in the long run.

Effective Techniques to Overcome Toilet Anxiety with Hypnotherapy

By using hypnotherapy we are able to deliver the suggestion directly to the subconscious part of the mind. Once that suggestion is taken on by the subconscious, the beliefs change and then ultimately the behaviours fall in line.

There may be numerous situations that trigger their fears. However, normally we only have to tackle a few of them before the subconscious gets the message. At that point, the fear collapses and the anxiety falls away.

The Prevalence of Toilet Anxiety and How Hypnotherapy Can Help

This is such a big problem that we now have a team of specialists that treat this problem. Now that we can work over the internet we are able to help people worldwide but we are just scratching the surface of this problem.

The specialists at the Surrey Institute have vast experience dealing with toilet anxiety and can generally resolve it within 4 to 6 sessions. If you have Crohn’s or IBS you might need a few more sessions to resolve your toilet anxiety

This complex, multi-faceted anxiety is treated by my team and I on a daily basis. We spend our entire day talking about pee and poo.

The vast majority of my clients are able to recover fully and start living a normal life, even those who have had this anxiety so long, that they don’t know or remember what normal is.

If you have toilet anxiety, be rest assured that you do not have to live with it and the problems it brings. So don’t suffer any more. Get in touch to see how we can help. By using our specialist hypnotherapy process for toilet anxiety we can help you to get rid of it for good.

If you would like to find out more about treating other anxiety issues please visit our main anxiety page.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy for Toilet Anxiety Treatment?

Toilet anxiety can severely impact your daily life, limiting where you feel comfortable and causing unnecessary stress. While there are many approaches to managing anxiety, hypnotherapy offers a unique, powerful solution that addresses the root cause of your fears. Unlike traditional methods, hypnotherapy works directly with your subconscious mind, where these fears are deeply embedded, helping you reframe negative thought patterns and restore confidence in your ability to manage your body’s needs.

Woman feeling calm and relaxed on a train after overcoming toilet anxiety through hypnotherapy treatment

Hypnotherapy is an excellent option for toilet anxiety because it’s a natural, non-invasive treatment that doesn’t rely on medication. With the help of a qualified hypnotherapist, you can make significant progress in just a few sessions, learning how to stay calm and in control, no matter the situation. If you’re looking for a long-term, effective way to overcome toilet anxiety, hypnotherapy may be the right choice for you.

Not nearby? No Problem

Since the COVID pandemic, we have been working with clients to help them overcome their toilet anxiety online. The interesting thing is that it appears to be just as effective as in-person sessions. We are now working with clients from all over the globe and helping them to return to a more “normal” and carefree life.

Regain Confidence and Control with Hypnotherapy for Toilet Anxiety

Toilet anxiety can leave you feeling powerless, anxious, and constantly worried about finding a bathroom. Hypnotherapy helps you regain control over your mind and body, giving you the confidence to manage situations that once seemed overwhelming. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy rewires the negative beliefs that fuel your anxiety, allowing you to feel calm and in control, even in challenging environments.

With each hypnotherapy session, you’ll develop tools to manage anxiety and boost your self-assurance in everyday situations. Imagine being able to leave your house, attend social events, or travel without constantly worrying about toilet access. Hypnotherapy empowers you to reclaim your life, giving you the freedom to live without toilet anxiety ruining your life.

Take the First Step Towards Freedom from Toilet Anxiety Today

Don’t let toilet anxiety control your life any longer. With the help of our experienced hypnotherapists, you can regain your confidence, overcome your fears, and take back control. Whether you’re seeking in-person sessions in Surrey or prefer the convenience of online hypnotherapy, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Book your free consultation now and discover how hypnotherapy can help you live with confidence and ease. Call us at 0208 669 6990 or click here to schedule your session or ask us a question. Your journey towards a life free from anxiety starts today.