So it can actually be in the hypnotherapy schools’ interest to deliver hypnotherapy training that is NOT effective so that they have less competition in the therapy field. So they deliver an ineffectual, low level hypnotherapy training course to get your money but keep the effective competition down.
However, this thinking is flawed and actually damages the hypnotherapy market and ultimately reduces the number of hypnotherapy clients for the school in question.
Table of Contents
How does poor hypnotherapy training damage the profession?
This negative advertising has a significant effect on the hypnotherapy market, not to mention the effect it has on the hapless hypnotherapy student that didn’t know any better and took the hypnotherapy course in good faith.
If there are a lot of poorly trained hypnotherapists seeing clients, what happens is that when a client sees one of these hypnotherapists they do not have a successful experience and when the hypnotherapist is unable to make the changes the client is looking for, the client walks away disillusioned with hypnotherapy. A fact they are more than happy to share with all their friends. This does NOT make for advanced hypnotherapy training.
Hypnotherapy training for success
At the Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy (SICH) we take a different approach. We believe that if we turn out well trained and effective hypnotherapists they will help more people locally to them and build the reputation and the credibility of the profession. This ultimately leads to more public acceptance and therefore more clients. To our minds this is a win win situation.
Hypnotherapy training needs to be flexible and prepare the ‘would be’ hypnotherapist to deal with whatever emerges; i.e. to deal with whatever issue the client presents with.
The problem with a lot of hypnotherapy training courses is that they train you how to treat specific things in a specific way. They give you a formula to deal with weight loss for example; i.e. in session 1 you do X and in session 2 you do Y etc. Now this seems very attractive for the novice. Just follow this formula and your clients lose weight. This would be great if it were true.
The fact is these types of formulaic approach simply do not work. In this case one size does not fit all. The fact is that every client you see for weight will be different and not just in small ways. Their differences can be so big as to make your treatment of them like chalk and cheese. For some you might have to deal with issues like anxiety, confidence and image, where in others you will have to deal with habitual behaviours and others it’s about their negative beliefs. You get the point.
Any hypnotherapy training that gives you rigid, formulaic treatments for any issues is training you to be ineffectual and ultimately training you to fail.
We prefer to give you hypnotherapy training that teaches you how to analyse your clients for the real drivers behind the behaviours and then teach you some core techniques that you can use in a variety of situations to interrupt and tackle those drivers.
This gives you a hypnotherapy education that you can fall back on when you come across something that you have not been trained specifically to deal with or with clients that are different from the norm (which is just about every client).
This type of hypnotherapy training actually builds your confidence, perhaps in ways you have never considered. Imagine if you will that you are sitting in front of a client for weight control and during the session it becomes abundantly clear that really their issue is about confidence and self esteem and that this is what is destroying their motivation to lose weight.
Some hypnotherapy training schools teach you to use a formulaic approach, and that means that now you are in trouble. Worse still, you are not going to be able to help this client because you simply don’t know how. What would you do and what would you say to the client?
What is the best hypnotherapy training?
The hypnotherapy training we give our students allows them to deal with such situations in their stride. In fact, this information would mean the hard bit was done; i.e. the drivers have been found. All that remains now would be to work out a treatment plan that would help the client to remove the beliefs that are damaging their self esteem.
Then you’ll need to do some work in building their confidence in their capability to lose weight effectively. This sort of treatment plan helps them not only to lose weight but also to change many other aspects in their lives that require self-esteem and confidence.
If you’re thinking of training to be a hypnotherapist, we can help you navigate the myriad of courses, accreditations and professional associations to work out the right solution for you.
Hypnosis training vs hypnotherapy training?
In very simple terms, hypnosis training can be described as showing you how to guide the client into a hypnotic state of trance. This is all covered in just the first 2 days of the diploma it is just a tool we use to get the client into a relaxed state (trance) so that we can deliver the therapy into the subconscious mind. Whereas hypnotherapy combines hypnosis with the therapeutic intervention, and its this that brings about behavioural or emotional change.
The SICH clinical hypnotherapy training diploma with NLP teaches you everything you need to know to become a professional hypnotherapist and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) specialist.
You are given the skills, scripts, interview forms, protocols and everything you need to start treating your own clients and helping them to solve problems such as weight issues, smoking cessation, anxiety conditions, problem behaviours and more.
The diploma and certificates are awarded based on continual assessment and observations of your practical exercises. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a diploma and certificates which are recognised by the majority of professional hypnotherapy bodies and the ability to register with the CNHC a professional register set up by the Department
of Health & Social Care (DOH). This enables you to become a member of many professional hypnotherapy associations.
When the course is completed, you will receive the following:
- SICH Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certificate
- SICH Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma
- SICH NLP Practitioner Certificate
- SICH Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD)
These certificates will also allow you to use the letters HPD and CNLP after your name.