Report: Why do diets fail or at least appear to?

We have seen thousands of clients over the years on our weight loss hypnotherapy programme and the overwhelming fact is that for virtually every client this is not their first attempt at losing weight. Most clients will report having tried a myriad of diets, all of which, according to the clients, have failed. Or have …

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Report: Pressures of the workplace can contribute towards obesity

The workplace is one of the key areas where we see our hypnotherapy for weight loss client’s new healthy behaviours put under pressure. Things like cakes on birthdays, drinks after work, colleagues bringing in their bakery efforts and often vending machines offering sugary sweets are just a few of the workplace ‘treats’ that are usually …

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Report: Common causes for anxiety conditions

We analysed 100 previous hypnotherapy clients looking for some of the causes for anxiety with the presenting issues of presentation nerves, toilet anxiety, shy bladder and lack of confidence to establish if there is any commonality between them with regards to events or conditioning. The breakdown of subject numbers was as follows:- The subjects were …

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Hypnotherapy for anxiety helps 79% of subjects

In a recent study of 100 previous anxiety clients we found that overall 74% of clients noticed significant benefits from their course of hypnotherapy treatments. In our analysis of previous hypnotherapy clients, we looked at 100 clients that presented with either social anxiety or agoraphobic type anxiety. The clients were drawn at random over a …

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Why some hypnotherapy training courses train you to fail.

hypnotherapy training

There is a conflict of interest for all hypnotherapy schools that prospective students need to be aware of. Every student that undertakes hypnotherapy training is effectively competition for the hypnotherapy trainers themselves, unless of course they are no longer practising therapists and then their knowledge base and skill set have to be questioned. So it …

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Report: How to find effective hypnotherapy training

hypnotherapy introduction

“At the Surrey Institute we train people from all walks of life to become effective hypnotherapists by offering practical hypnotherapy training but finding effective hypnotherapy training is a task in its own right.” Changing careers is something which is becoming more common, with thousands of people opting to say goodbye to their mundane office jobs …

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How Anxiety is Generated, Maintained and Enhanced

Combat Anxiety with Hypnotherapy “Combat anxiety with Hypnotherapy which is scientifically proven to help” Anxiety is something which is extremely common. Feelings of anxiety are much more than general day to day worries or nerves. Anxiousness causes problems in people’s lives, through work, socialising and difficulties in relationships. The difficulties cause further anxiety, and therefore …

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Hypnotherapy education brings changes in students

In a survey of former students, the data showed that a hypnotherapy education does more than just prepare students for their new profession. The Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy surveyed a selection of its former students from the last 10 years. Some surprising results were uncovered. One was that in the student’s perception, the course …

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Hypnotherapy Diploma Offers a Wonderful New Career

In a recent survey of former hypnotherapy students, we uncovered some interesting facts about the type of people that take up our hypnotherapy diploma training. Our clinical hypnotherapy diploma courses are often taken up by people that are looking for a new direction in their lives. For example, people taking early retirement, redundancy or even …

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Achieve Great Health and Fitness with this Amazing Weight Loss Method

“Join Celebrities like Boy George and Beyonce in achieving your health and fitness goal today!” Lead singer and songwriter of Culture Club, Boy George, has recently been in the spotlight due to his dramatic weight-loss. Boy George, 51, shocked the world with pictures he posted on twitter of his new slimmer self, looking fitter and …

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Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Does hypnotherapy work? This is a question we are asked a lot of the time. Obviously, we are going to say that it does, but don’t take our word for it. There are hundreds of independent research studies across a wide range of topics that show it is a very effective, if not the most …

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Report on how hypnotherapy helps to remove the symptoms of IBS

“Published research supports hypnotherapy in being valuable in relieving symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome” Hypnotherapy is designed to relax the conscious mind and allow the subconscious to respond to suggestions which are aimed at helping make positive changes. This form of communication aims to enhance, motivate and change perceptions of any difficulties a person is …

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A case study – The effects of bullying on anxiety

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety – Agroaphobic eating “Imagine finding it impossible to eat in public, without fear of being sick” The following case study follows a man that found it difficult to eat in public. Something which is in fact very common, but too many of us is a strange experience. It looks at the treatment …

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How to Train to be a Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy training – the key facts There are numerous types of courses, training providers and qualifications to choose from when looking to train to be a hypnotherapist. However there are key factors you need to be aware of, as often you may not discover the problems until you have begun the course and it is …

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In hypnotherapy training sometimes older is better

“Use your experience of the past to become a great hypnotherapist” There are many clichés to help motivate us as we get older; many a good tune played on an old fiddle for example. In many cases, there is a lot of stigma with regards to getting older, where people discriminate on the assumption that …

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Hypnotherapy can even help royal mums with morning sickness.

It was well reported recently all around the globe of The Duchess of Cambridge’s severe bouts of morning sickness that resulted in her being rushed into hospital. Maybe what has not been as widely reported or indeed picked up on is that Kate used a form of Hypnotherapy while she was being cared for by …

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Adele visits hypnotherapist for stage nerves

Adele is reported to be visiting a hypnotherapist to help her overcome her stage nerves. The star has been having the treatment in LA in a bid to conquer her anxiety over her upcoming Oscars performance. Adele is booked to perform her Bond theme Skyfall at the ceremony on February 24 – where it is …

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Kate Middleton using Hypnotherapy

Morning sickness is a common occurrence in pregnant women, but often difficult to control. It is usually caused by an imbalance of hormones due to the pregnancy and usually occurs within the first trimester of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be present in anyone and unfortunately there is often no way of predicting it or alleviating …

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Increasing sleep ‘may slow down memory rot’

Source: BBC News It may be possible to slow the decline in memory and learning as we age by tackling poor sleep, researchers hope. Their study, in the journal Nature Neuroscience, has revealed an intimate relationship between an ageing brain, sleep and memory. Experiments showed that changes in the ageing brain damaged the quality of …

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Weight loss not just for celebrities.

There are many reasons people turn to alternative forms of therapy, as opposed to conventional medicine. Hypnotherapy is fast becoming a popular form of treatment for minor ailments, addictions, helping to lose weight or alleviate depression and other conditions. Hypnotherapy has been a controversial subject for some time, but is now seen as being incredibly …

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Woman are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer

Recent research shows that woman are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer than their non-smoking friends. Starting earlier and smoking more cigarettes have been blamed on the considerable increase in risk for lung cancer in women. Their risk has now become the same as that for men. The study, reported in the …

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‘Grief and anxiety are not mental illnesses’

By Peter Kinderman Professor of Clinical Psychology The forthcoming edition of an American psychiatric manual (DSM-5) will increase the number of people in the general population diagnosed with a mental illness – but what they need is help and understanding, not labels and medication. Many people experience a profound and long-lasting grieving process following the …

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Stopping smoking “reduces anxiety” study shows

Smokers who successfully quit feel less anxious afterwards – despite the belief that smoking relieves stress, researchers say. The British Journal of Psychiatry study followed nearly 500 smokers attending NHS hypnotherapy for Stop Smoking clinics in England. It found a “significant” decrease in anxiety levels among the 68 smokers who had quit after six months. …

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Lifestyle Changes Key to Dropping the Pounds in 2013

Losing weight in 2013 is a common New Year’s resolution, but experts say that few of them take the necessary steps to accomplish their goal.
But research shows that following a few rules can you change your lifestyle and lose weight:

‘Binge-drinking gene’ discovered

hypnotherapy trainingMany genes may be involved in influencing how much we drink

Scientists believe some people have a gene that hard-wires them for binge drinking by boosting levels of a happy brain chemical triggered by alcohol.

The King’s College London team found animals lacking the gene had far less desire for alcohol than those with it.

Brain scans of 663 teenage boys showed those with a version of the gene had heightened dopamine responses in tests.

During a task designed to make them anticipate a reward, these 14-year-old boys had more activity in a part of the brain called the ventral striatum which is known to be involved in dopamine release.

When the researchers later contacted the same boys at the age of 16 and asked them about their drinking habits, they found the boys with the ‘culprit’ gene drank more frequently.

The NHS definition of binge drinking is drinking heavily in a short space of time to get drunk or feel the effects of alcohol.

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Biting your fingernails are you mental?

The Daily Mail reported that Millions of people around the world suffer from a self-mutilating and often painful addiction to biting their nails, which can be harder to quit than smoking cigarettes, but is often overlooked as a relatively benign habit. Medical experts are now taking a closer look at the addiction and have decided …

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Hypnotherapy helps problem drinking in the baby boomers

More NHS money is spent treating alcohol-related illness in the 55 to 74-year-olds than on the young, a study says. The Alcohol Concern report found the cost of hospital admissions linked to heavy drinking 55 to 74-year-olds in 2010-11 was more than £825m. That was 10 times more than 16 to 24-year-olds. Almost £2 billion …

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Are you getting a good nights sleep?

Sleep is absolutely essential for the health and wellbeing of both the body and mind. It is the time for the body to repair and rejuvenate. Adults need around 7-8 hours sleep a night, more when stressed or run down. Sleep deprivation or poor quality sleep impairs mental and physical function, including that of the …

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Taste the Rainbow & Protect Brain Health

Good news! Middle age doesn’t begin until 55… or 54 years and 347 days to be exact! This is according to a recent survey published by the BBC, in which many of the participants felt that middle age was only a state of mind anyway, and the research suggests that an active state of mind …

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New link between insomnia and high blood pressure

Research from the Henry Ford Center for Sleep Disorders found that there was a strong link between being able to fall asleep (primary insomnia) and/or waking up in the middle the night (middle insomnia), and severity of high blood pressure.

Over a third of cancers are due to lifestyle

Nearly half of cancers (over 130,000) diagnosed in the UK each year are caused by avoidable life choices including smoking, drinking and diet, research reveals. Smoking is the biggest culprit, causing 23% of cases in men and 15.6% in women, says the Cancer Research UK report. This is followed in men by a lack of …

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It’s Official – Dieting Makes you Fat

Research shows dieting affects the way your brain works and hormone changes encourage you to eat and store even more fat. It shows that in most cases dieters put on more weight than they lose. There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that points to a demoralising fact for the 25 per cent of …

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The real cost of smoking

What would you and your partner do with over half a million pounds £532,304.10 to be precise? Spend it on cigarettes perhaps? Well, if you and your partner both smoke 60 cigarettes a day between you, and you both smoke for another 50 years, this is exactly how much it will cost you.

Blushing, there is a way out

When people dismiss blushing as an insignificant it makes the blusher feel “silly” and “stupid”. I have never worked with a blusher who thought it was insignificant. However what I do hear is “I now it’s stupid but….” or “I feel silly saying this but….”

Simon Cowell gives smoking a “NO” with Hypnotherapy

Simon has reportedly started to undergo hypnosis to kick the habit, as it has been claimed that the star’s friends and family want him to try and quit. The X Factor USA judge has been smoking for almost 44 years despite his family’s history of health complications, and he admitted that his New Year’s resolution was to try and give up his 15-a-day. A source says,

Criticism can really effect our lives in so many ways

We often blame ourselves but are we really to blame? This sort of conditioning is generally way out of our control. As a child it can come from parents, bullies, teachers or even siblings. Worst of all, if it continues for a substantial period of time, we become used to it.

Where’s My Confidence Gone?

Clients are always asking for more self-confidence they say “I need more confidence”, but what is confidence? In the main what they are really saying is that I am less confident than I used to be, confidence starts to grow as children as long as we are nurtured, loved and live in safe surroundings. But for a large number of people this is not true.

Hypnotherapy Courses Online or Something Else?

If you are thinking of becoming a hypnotherapist because you think it’s easy money or perhaps it’s something you can dip in and out of and earn some extra cash, think again. People who go into hypnotherapy for those reasons don’t generally last long. However, if that’s what you’re after there are hundreds of distance learning and cheap hypnotherapy training courses out there for you to choose. It does not really matter which type of hypnotherapy training you go for as the clients will soon discover your lack of commitment to them and yourself and they wont come back and you will have zero income.

Blushing : ‘I was so embarrassed I thought I’d die’

Don’t you think it’s strange what some people say when they get embarrassed and blush. Things like “I thought I would die” or “I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me”. These type of expressions, when you analyse them, seem a bit extreme. However, when you work with clients that come to see you for blushing you start to get an understanding for why these type of expressions are common place.

Jack Dee Wards off Depression with Hypnotherapy

In a recent interview with Bryony Gordon from The Telegraph, Jack Dee discusses how he uses hypnotherapy on a casual but regular basis to, as he puts it, “reset the brain”.

He says “I was on various anti-depressants, but not for long – I didn’t function very well on them. I felt sort of flattened out. Plus I found another way…” He trails off. And that was? “Hypnotherapy.”

Dealing with IBS – A clients view

The following twelve years involved numerous diet changes, GP appointments and specialist consultations, culminating in internal examinations of my stomach and bowel at hospital.

Surprisingly, throughout my entire period of IBS symptoms I had been a Bus driver. For years I had been unable to access toilet facilities as I was often miles away en-route. This, over the years had made me very anxious and uncomfortable as IBS would prey heavy on my mind.

Most smokers want to quit? – Now there’s a surprise!

A Office for National Statistics report, based on research on 13,000 people, has discovered that 63% of smokers in Britain wanted to quit.  Not much of a surprise I hear you saying.  Well it certainly wasn’t to us, but it went on to say that they find it hard to go even a day without smoking.

Fizzy drinks subtract life

What damage does fizzy soft drinks cause? Looking at the latest research quite a lot. A study by UK and US researchers claims that drinking too many sugary beverages appears to raise the risk of high blood pressure.

Spiders and Snakes – who cares? by John Marks

Phobias although fairly simple in terms of anxiety disorders can themselves be underpinned by many different facets and reasons. However what this study shows is that we are not born with them so it has to be conditioning. The great news for those who suffer with phobias is that if it’s conditioning then it can be changed.

Offer support but stay out of the way

It would seem that it does not matter if you’re the Prime Minister, or simply trying to lose weight or even stop smoking, the best support comes from those who offer practical help without making a fuss, it was reported by the Daily Mail with regard to a recent study in the U.S. journal Psychological Science.