Hypnotherapy for Stress

Stress results from a psychological and biological reaction to a perceived threat. A stress response includes an increase in blood pressure, pulse rate, energy levels, mental activity and muscle strength. The body is ready for action as it goes into “fight or flight” mode.

Handle stress effectively

Stress is a natural part of life.

Without stress, you would not be motivated to eat, work, have relationships, or get out of bed in the morning. It is when the amount of stress builds past the point of being comfortable, that most people start suffering from the symptoms of over stress.

Unfortunately in today’s harsh economic climate, people are working harder and longer, dealing with multiple stress factors, these factors can have an accumulative affect, and often issues outside our direct control contribute significantly to the problem. If stress is not dealt with while it is at a low level, the symptoms of stress can escalate to cause other problems such as anxiety and depression.

hypnotherapy for stress

This is where hypnotherapy for stress management comes in. When you use hypnotherapy for stress you teach you sub-conscious how to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate way.

Everyone reacts to stress in different ways and to different degrees. Some people have more stress than others. Some people handle stressful situations better than others. Each person is triggered by different stressful situations, depending on their own make-up. What may bother one person may not affect another person. This does not negate your stress, it merely points out what situations you react to in a stressful manner.

Our Hypnotherapy for stress programme takes into account the individuals circumstances and we create an unique plan for that particular individual.

Everyone reacts to stress in different ways and to different degrees. Some people have more stress than others. Some people handle stressful situations better than others. Each person is triggered by different stressful situations, depending on their own make-up. What may bother one person may not affect another person. This does not negate your stress, it merely points out what situations you react to in a stressful manner. Our Hypnotherapy for stress programme takes into account the individuals circumstances and we create an unique plan for that particular individual.

Hypnotherapy for Stress: Symptoms of over stress

  • Body tension
  • Unable to relax
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor appetite
  • Digestive problems
  • Excessive eating
  • Excessive drinking
  • Excessive smoking
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Overspending
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Road rage
  • Snapping at people you love
  • Agitation at small things
  • Always being rushed, in a hurry, or late for appointments
  • Unable to sit still and focus on a TV show, a conversation, or read
Hypnotherapy for stress

Hypnotherapy for stress management

If you have several of the above symptoms, it is very possible that you are suffering from being over stressed. Stress is one of the biggest threats to people’s health, happiness, and well being. Stress causes confused thinking, depression, over eating, excessive drinking, reckless driving, high blood pressure, heart problems, and a myriad of other health problems. The symptoms of stress are sometimes insidious and undetectable, until one day you feel overwhelmed with life. Everything bothers you, from your work to your favourite pet at home. You may even start doubting your sanity. All of this results in the feeling of being out of control.

Hypnotherapy for stress will tackle all of these issues in a powerful and effective way and helps you to get a new outlook on life.

The ways we use hypnotherapy for stress reduction

If you’re feeling stressed due to some external factor like, your job or something personal, the first step to feeling better is to identify those extrenal factors that are causing the stress.

The most unhelpful thing you can do is turn to something unhealthy to help you cope, such as smoking or drinking.

Burying your head in the sand and doing nothing can make the situation worse.

By using hypnotherapy for stress management we help you firstly to build emotional strength, we would then help you to gain control of your situation by changing the behaviours that are causing the stress and help you to adopt a more positive perception of the future. 

Hypnotherapy for stress – Getting help

You don’t have to live with high levels of inappropriate stress. Contact us using our form or click the button below.